factory pattern implementation in C++

Posted on 30 Kasım 2014 in Programlama by

Factory pattern implementation in c++

#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

class Pizza {
    virtual int getPrice() const = 0;

class HamAndMushroomPizza : public Pizza {
    virtual int getPrice() const { return 850; }

class DeluxePizza : public Pizza {
    virtual int getPrice() const { return 1050; }

class HawaiianPizza : public Pizza {
    virtual int getPrice() const { return 1150; }

class PizzaFactory {
    enum PizzaType {

    static Pizza* createPizza(PizzaType pizzaType) {
        switch (pizzaType) {
        case HamMushroom:
            return new HamAndMushroomPizza();
        case Deluxe:
            return new DeluxePizza();
        case Hawaiian:
            return new HawaiianPizza();
        throw "invalid pizza type.";


* Create all available pizzas and print their prices

void pizza_information( PizzaFactory::PizzaType pizzatype )
    Pizza* pizza = PizzaFactory::createPizza(pizzatype);
    std::cout << "Price of " << pizzatype << " is " << pizza->getPrice() << std::endl;
    delete pizza;

int main ()
    pizza_information( PizzaFactory::HamMushroom );
    pizza_information( PizzaFactory::Deluxe );
    pizza_information( PizzaFactory::Hawaiian );

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